About Plaziak Enterprises

My name is John Plaziak. I commissioned as an Officer in the Army in 2014. Since then, I’ve had the privilege to work in many different levels and environments which have inspired me to start writing about my experiences.

The theme for my blog is enterprise. Many of our undertakings are challenging, rich, and deeply fulfilling. My goal is to write about some of the enterprises that really interest and inspire me.

An Enterprise in Leadership will be an examination of the many ideas and actions that create leadership. I hope to explore the nature of leadership, examine its principles, and peel apart the actions associated with leadership.

For as long as I can remember, reading has been a passion of mine. However, in college, I became burnt out and did not read for pleasure or knowledge unless specifically directed to. I’ve begun to remedy that problem this year by challenging myself to read at least one non-fiction book a month, supplemented by as much fiction as I’d like. I believe that all genres are valuable. Non-fiction can serve as a literal guide and teach us the mistakes and successes of those before us, fiction can force us to look inward at ourselves, current events and news focus our minds on the issues of today. I hope to review and recommend books that have been valuable for my self-development in An Enterprise in Literature.

An Enterprise in Technology in technology is an examination of whatever interests me or various projects that I’ve been working on in the technology fields. I’ll be writing about my home lab, any ethical hacking lab write-ups I create, my journey towards various industry certifications, and some thoughts on current technology trends.

If you have any comments or recommendations about anything, from the posts I make to the layout of this website or recommendations on things to add, I value your feedback. Please feel free to send a note through the Contact Us tab in the menu. I look forward to hearing from you.